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"Pākšaugu aktuālo kaitēkļu efektīvāko ierobežošanas paņēmienu izvērtēšana un noteikšana un lauksaimniecībai nozīmīgāko apputeksnētāju dzīvotspēju ietekmējošo faktoru identificēšana"

Project Leader



Research Field

Broad bean weevil
Bee fauna and diversity
Useful organisms

Project description

The project carried out research in three different directions. Therefore, this project has three goals with the appropriate tasks to achieve them.

Aim one: Biology and ecology of broadbean seed beetle (Bruchus rufimans), as well as plant protection strategies. The objectives to achieve this aim are:

1.seasonal monitoring of the dynamics of bean seed beetle populations in various fields of Latvia (Vicia faba);

2.analysis of the field bean seed material prior to sowing and analysis of the seed after harvest;

3. inspection and burial of traps with plant odoriferous substances intended for the monitoring of bean seed beetle in Latvian conditions;

4. testing the effectiveness of the various strategies for limiting bean seed beetle population  through plant protection products;

5. gathering available information on the possibilities for the cultivation of the varieties of the field bean in agro-ecological conditions of Latvia, which are minor to the seed of the beans.

Aim two: to study the factors influencing the viability of honeybee (Apis mellifera) flocks and to develop a methodology for assessing the risk posed by the use of plant protection products to honeybee flocks in Latvia. Objectives set to achieve this goal:

1. determination of the botanical composition in pollen collected by honeybees in the region of Zemgale-Kurzeme, which is one of the most active agricultural regions in Latvia;

2.the determination of residues of plant protection products commonly used in agriculture in pollen harvested by honeybees in the Zemgale-Kurzeme region;

3. research and development of methodologies for field studies, including the impact of plant protection products on bee viability, on factors affecting the viability of bee flocks.

Aim three: study the diversity of fauna and species of bee (Apodea) in the agrocenosis of Latvia. The objectives to achieve this aim are:

1. research on the composition of the various bee species in different agrocenousis in regions of Latvia;

2. seasonal monitoring of bees in areas of land used in agriculture in different regions of Latvia.



Submitted on: Tue, 02/16/2021 - 12:09